One of the goals of an undergraduate degree in mathematics is to transform students’ perception of mathematics from calculations with the rote application of formula to the reflective, creative problem-solving that is highly valued in academia and other professions. This can be achieved by incorporating authentic mathematical activities (i.e. the kind of task a maths graduate can expect in the workplace) into the design and delivery of undergraduate programmes.
The Middlesex maths team have implemented a variety of novel teaching and learning methods into their specialist maths provision to achieve this aim. Our approach includes the use of generative artificial intelligence; extended, vague, problem-solving assignments; open-ended statistical analyses; student choice in assessment; reflective components; and technology embedded throughout the degree programme.
In this talk we discuss the implementation, benefits and challenges of these authentic mathematical activities, focusing on their effect on students’ perceptions of mathematics during their studies. We use questionnaires to determine how students’ perceptions of mathematics change while doing these activities and provide a thematic analysis of the reflective components of students’ assessment.